Download Ebook , by Robert Louis Stevenson MARCO PEDULLA
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, by Robert Louis Stevenson MARCO PEDULLA

Download Ebook , by Robert Louis Stevenson MARCO PEDULLA
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 3022 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 130 Seiten
Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten: Keine Einschränkung
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
ASIN: B07VGL9945
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.1 von 5 Sternen
77 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#144.560 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Habe das Buch auf englisch bestellt, um einmal die Orginalgeschichte zu lesen, da man doch immer wieder darauf in verschiedenen Medien hingewiesen wird. An sich wäre die Geschichte spannend, wenn man nicht schon wüsste wie die Beziehung zwischen Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hide aussieht. Das English ist relatv simple gehalten und für einen non-nativ speaker sehr gut geeignet :)
First of all: all the stories are amazing.The following review will focus on the best known story of this collection."Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson [4/5]I read this novella because I am in love the musical adaptation of this by Frank Wildhorn and because I remembered the book is different than the musical.I read this book a long time ago in German but I couldn't remember much of it, so I thought a re-read might be a good idea. I re-read it in English because I want my English to improve and what is a better way than reading books written in English in the not translated version?It was more difficult than I thought though. This book has many words I needed to look up in a dictionary but I think this is due to English not being my native language. And there are really good reference pages in my edition that helped me to understand words that have another meaning now. But even if it was not easy to read, the language was fantastic.The atmosphere he created was outstanding and it was easy to imagine myself being part of this historical London.I hope Stevenson's other books are this amazing in choice of words and atmosphere.The story is different than the story of the musical, way different. But I already suspected this because even if it was a long time ago I had read this for the first time I remembered the characters of Lucy (a prostitute in the musical) or Lisa (Jekyll's wife in the musical) are not in the book. But I also love the story of the book.Utterson seems to be a nice guy and a good friend to Jekyll. I like him and his voice and even he is sometimes not easy to relate to (because of the time period this book was written in) he is a compelling character. I think it is sad, that we never see his reaction (view spoiler) at the end of the novel.I think many people might be irritated by the lack of Jekyll and Hyde in the novella because most of the modern media adaptations have Jekyll and Hyde as the main characters and the poor Utterson is only a minor character (yes, I am looking at you musical adaptation).The novella keeps an interesting pace, not too slow but not as fast you might expect when you have seen some adaptations in modern media. Everything is told from Utterson's perspective or the perspective of people who tell Utterson about their encounter with Jekyll and/or Hyde. We don't get to know how cruel Hyde is actually we get only the feelings of other people on him.I think some people might be disappointed by this because many readers may expect a fast pace thriller and not kind of a detective story where Utterson wants to know who Hyde is because Jekyll makes him the heir to everything if he disappears.I think many of the magic of this book is ruined to modern day readers because most of the readers already know the solution of the strange case but Utterson only gets to know about it in the last part of the novella. I think the book is more enjoyable if you never ever heard of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde but with a look to modern media (an upcoming movie starring Chris Evans; the BBC series; Penny Dreadful and other adaptations like the musical by Frank Wildhorn) this is nearly impossible.I recommend this book to people who are interested in the original story after meeting this character in other media!
The short story of the evil Mr. Hyde and his counterpart Dr. Jekyl fascinates readers since it was first published more than a hundred years ago.The Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), who is mostly known for his novel "Treasure Island", wrote the short story, "The strange case of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" in 1884. From this time on it fascinated readers all over the world. It is still on play in theaters these days, and several movies have been made from this story.The lawyer Mr. Utterson gets a mysterious letter from his friend Dr. Jekyll. It is the last will of the doctor, and it states, that in the case of Dr. Jekyll' s disappearence, all his money and belongings should be handed to Mr. Hyde. This man seems to be the antipode of the doctor, not only in his looks but also in his behaviour. "I never saw a man I so disliked." Mr. Utterson begins to investigate in this case, and late he finds out the whole truth about Mr. Hyde. "...for God' s sake, have mercy."The story is written like a logical crime investigation or a scientific thesis. It develops step by step, until the end. In the movie adaptations the cruel side of Mr. Hyde has been made very clear, but in the book the evilness of the figure is often just indicated. The reader has to fill the missing parts with his own imagination. "At the horror of these sights and sounds, the maid fainted."So the story isn' t as frightful, as it should be. It might be owed to the shortness of the story. But what makes the story so popular, is the topic it deals with.Living in society means, you have to obey the rules, that have been made. Otherwise you will be punished for any committed offence. So you need to show your good manners all the time. But what if you could do whatever you want, without the fear of being caught? Or just slip into someone elses shoes, and be another man? "The man is not truly one, but truly two." And this is just only one aspect Stevenson deals with in his story. There are a more things that can be interpreted, and so "The strange case of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde", will fascinate readers for another one hundred years.
Wenn ich beginne, einen Klassiker zu lesen, habe ich oft dieBefürchtung auf dröge Themen, ellenlange Sätze und antiquierteAudrucksweisen zu stoßen.Glücklicherweise ist das bei dem vorliegenden Klassiker nicht der Fall."The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" ist wirklich ein lesenswertes Buch.Aufgrund der Kürze schrammt der Roman gerade so an einer Kurzgeschichte vorbei.Das wiederum ist auch bemerkenswert, zeigt es nämlich eindrucksvoll, dass einqualitativ hochwertiger Klassiker keine mehrere hundert Seiten langer Schmöker sein muss.Der Plot ist spannend, unheimlich und unheimlich spannend zugleich.Die Reclam-Ausgabe ist klein aber fein und mit hilfreichen Vokabel-Angaben.
Ich habe mir die Taschenbuch-Version gekauft und habe bei der Lieferung festgestellt, dass es im DIN-A4-Format ist, was mich etwas irritierte (natürlich hätte ich das vorher in der Produktbeschreibung lesen können aber wer liest die schon??). Das Bild auf dem Cover ist leider sehr verpixelt, die Schrift im Buch ist Recht groß. Allerdings war es für unter 4€ sehr günstig und deshalb wohl preiswert.
Sehr hübsche Ausgabe. Ich habe es als soft Cover und bin von dem Design absolut begeistert. Die äußere Hülle fühlt sich wie Natur Papier an. Das einzige was mich überrascht hat war das es doch sehr dünn ist. Der Zeilen Abstand ist aber etwas kleiner als bei deutschen Büchern und der Rand ist auch kleiner.
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